Renovation Projects

Grade II listed farm house that was completely stripped to bare timbers. Floor joists replaced then completely renovated internally. New oak porch and 2 new extensions – one to provide a study area and the 2nd to provide a glassed walk way built using traditional methods (lime mortar and lime plasters) finished to a very high standard to return home to former glory.
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Grade II listed farm house which was stripped to bare floor boards and completely remodelled on first floor (after previous 1970’s up grade). Rewired, replumbed, replastered, bespoke skirting’s and architraves. New oak floors laid to bathroom and sitting rooms. All sash windows repaired and returned to working condition (previously painted closed with cut sash cords). Fully redecorated to provide a beautiful period home.
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Neglected turn of the last century cottage in a very poor state of repair. Fully renovated and extended, re-roofed and insulated, new heating and electrical systems, new kitchen and bathrooms, full decoration internally and externally leaving the client with a comfortable country home.
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